
At Oliver Wyman, we don’t just offer jobs. We offer opportunities to shape industries, societies, and the world. As an intern or new consultant, you’ll be in the room with the world’s most influential leaders, driving conversations and strategies that lead to tangible, real-world change. Embrace the chance to engage in enriching experiences at the outset of your career.

How we will accelerate your career growth

Our focus on entry-level hiring has led us to design innovative training with you in mind. You'll work on a variety of projects that will rapidly develop your skills and condense years of industry experience into mere months. Our development, mentoring, and flexible-work programs are created to help you shape your future leadership role, rather than being a temporary employee. Before long, you’ll carve out your unique position within our diverse partnership, form your own teams, and cultivate clients.

Embracing diversity and creativity in talent recruitment

At Oliver Wyman, we’re committed to recruiting and retaining the most diverse talent. We value initiative, intuition, creativity, and a strong problem-solving mindset. We welcome all academic majors or industry experiences,  and we appreciate evidence of an interesting and impactful life outside of your studies.






奥纬咨询是一家秉承公平和平等原则的用人机构,致力于招募和留住最多样化的人材。我们寻找具有积极主动、直觉敏锐和创造力的人材,拥有严谨的解决问题和分析判断思维。我们对人材招聘没有特定的攻读专业或行业经验要求,而是注重经验和技能的多样性。奥纬看重人材的课外活动以及您在学习之余丰富有趣、为社会做出贡献的生活印证。有关岗位申请要求的详细信息,可以查询奥纬招募岗位信息发布,包括奥纬精算和 奥纬CAVOK咨询业务以外的硕士生招聘计划。

Experience working at Oliver Wyman through this virtual job simulation tool. Practice your skills with example tasks and build your confidence to ace your applications.

Join us at Oliver Wyman

Ready to make an impact? Details on full eligibility can be found on our job postings. This includes our graduate programs in fields beyond consulting, such as our Actuarial and Oliver Wyman Vector businesses.

